We know that to undertake a new job overseas is a life changing move and the impact of moving from a familiar culture to one you are unfamiliar with is called “culture shock”. Culture shock can affect anyone and it is quite a normal reaction. Our team is here to help you settle in to the UK minimizing the effects of culture shock. Recruitment is Free- It's illegal to charge candidates any recruiting fees when recruiting for positions in the UK. Details of costs you should consider are detailed within this information pack.
Registration Application
We know your registration is a big part of this decision, and our team wants to make sure you're as prepared as possible. Depending whether you are a Nurse, Midwife or Allied Health Professional you will need to undertake your registration processes with your correct UK Regulator. For Nursing & Midwifery this will be the Nursing & Midwifery Council, (NMC) and for Allied Health Professionals it will be Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC). The below links will provide you with the exact information you will need when starting your registration process. Both NMC & HCPC have informative websites with step by step guides to help you.
NMC how to join the register guide
HCPC how to join the register guide
Language requirements:
NURSES/MIDWIVES: IELTS 7.0 in R/L/S and 6.5 in W / OET Grade B in R/L/S and C+ in W
AHPs: IELTS OBS of 7.0 with no element below 6.5 / TOEFL min score of 100/120 The NMC website has lots of preparation resources and guides to help you. You can also undertake practice CBT exams through the test facilitator Pearson's Vue. The links are below
Nurses & Midwives coming to the UK you will have to undertake a CBT assessment prior to your deployment. The CBT assessment is part one of the Test of Competence 2021, it is a computer based test. The CBT is split into two parts: Part A covers numeracy and Part B covers clinical questions for nursing or midwifery. Once you arrive in the UK you will need to complete Part two of the Test of Competence, this is a practical exam known as the OSCE. In this part you'll be tested on your clinical and communication skills.
Registrations costs..
There are associated fees when registering with the correct regulator, details of these costs are detailed below...
One off Scruting Fee - £539.65. This fee is for the assessment of your application.
The renewal fee to remain on the HCPC register is £196.24 for two years (£98.12 per year).
Qualification Evaluation Fee - £140.00
CBT - The fee for sitting both parts of the CBT is £83. If you need to resit the CBT, the following fees will apply: Resit Part A and Part B: £83
OSCE - The fee for the OSCE is £794. The reduced resit fee is £397 if you need to resit 7 or fewer stations. (Most hospitals pay this fee in advance for you and they set up a payment back scheme through your salary over a period of time, check your offer letter for full details.)
NMC Full Registration Fee - £153.00
Cost of living in the UK
It is difficult to estimate your living costs when you are in the UK, as this will largely depend on your lifestyle. To see examples of costs in the UK we have provided two links below. First being a supermarket so you can see the cost of groceries and essental items and then a link with cost of living in the UK information:
How we will help you…
- Finding you the right job
- Providing detailed information about the employer and the local area
- CV Preparation
- Interview Preparation
- VISA Processing Support
- Travel Arrangements
- Accommodation Support
- Pastoral support
- Introduction into local communities
- Introduction to local religious groups
- Assistance with travel to work routes